Avenir Solutions, Inc. has been building and maintaining web sites since 1996. We recognize the urgency and need to have a web site that is going to work for you. We take the time to sit down with our customers and get to know you and your business before making recommendations. Since no two businesses are alike, we understand that every web site needs to be as different as the make-up of each business.
Avenir Solutions, Inc (ASI) understands that creating a web site is more than just taking a few pictures and putting them onto a page. We take into consideration that web pages may look different in different types of browsers and screen size resolutions.
A well designed web site can allow your customer to interact directly with your company. Information about your company, products and services must be positioned and structured in such a way that makes it easy for the visitor to navigate through your web site.
The design concept of a site addresses these issues of ease of navigation and general site consistency. In particular, our designs incorporate logos, colors, fonts and presentation as reflected by the current logo design and materials supplied to ASI by the client. Specific attention is paid to the issues of crisp, fast loading graphics and an intuitive, easy-to-navigate user interface. ASI works very closely with our clients to develop the site as discussed in the final design that is decided upon.
During our design and development process, ASI applies its experience and expertise to ensure, develop or anticipate the following:
Ease of navigation, ease of search
Functional, logical file directory structure
Optimization for base-line screen resolutions, monitor sizes, and universal color palettes
Optimization of copy and layout for the Web medium
Site security and login procedures
Avenir Solutions executes the designs detailed above and provides all services needed for the creation of the site including: the development of all custom graphics and art work, scanning of existing graphics and photographs for site design, conversion of text based material to the HTML format for publishing to the WWW, and database and systems development work required to develop a highly interactive site.
In addition to the design and construction of your web site, we can arrange domain name registration and web site hosting as well.
Please feel free to contact us at with any questions. We look forward to being able to make your online experience be a pleasant one.