Responsive Web Site Design
With more then half the Internet's users using smart phones and tablets, it is more important than ever to have a responsive web site that will work on any screen size.
Google has made major changes in their search rankings on mobile devices.....everyone now needs to have a responsive web site in order not to lose their ranking. Avenir can take your current content and move it into a responsive design.
Without email, your business doesn't run. Avenir has the latest email technology to keep you in business 24/7. Today's business professional uses multiple devices to handle their email and IMAP is the solution they need.
What good is having a web site if you can't find it? Avenir takes an organic approach to helping your business be found on the web. Using Google's latest technologies we work with you directly to decicde the best path to take.
With more then half the Internet's users using smart phones and tablets, it is more important than ever to have a responsive web site that will work on any screen size.
If you have a domain name you need a place to host your web site and/or email. Avenir does not outsource its web hosting, but maintains its own servers at a data center with full security.
Search Engine Optimization helps with your placement in Google and other search engines. Google Analytics is an easy way to see how your marketing is working for your site. Both are important today.
Avenir can help set up your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever social media you need. We can also maintain your accounts for you once they are set up.
Avenir uses open source software and languages to create custom web applications that our customers might need that they can't find in an out-of-the-box solutions.
How great is it to work with Avenir? Check out what some of our clients have to say! We work with so many different industries it is always exciting for us to see what we get to do next!